Things she does:
- Jumps
- Gives Loves (Kisses and Hugs)
- Runs
- Talks alot of baby jibber
- Loves water; baths/swimming/ect
- Tells us how old she is, she will put her 1 finger up and say one
- She loves to color and paint
- Communicates with us. If we ask her a question we ask her yes or no and she will shake her head either way to let us know what her answer is and than says yes or no
- Walking (Since 8 Months)
- Her favorite foods are mac and cheese, pancakes and peanut butter and jelly sandwiches
- Mommy and her have planted some flowers and made it a good project to do together, she gets so excited when we get to go water the flowers and says water when we go out there.
- Loves to turn the tv on and off
- Puts her dukes up. I taught her this in about 2 days.
- Cassie at work than taught her to pound it.
- Waves and say hi and bye
- Blows on her food if it is hot
- Climbs stairs no matter how high they are
- Holds your hand when you ask her to if your crossing a street or something
- Loves to Dance! We tell her to shake her booty
- Can show us where her nose, eyes, ears, feet, mouth, tongue and belly button are
- Puts her hands up and says dunno??
- Has gone pee pee and poo poo on the potty
- At this point has 8 teeth
- Hides and loves to scare you
- Fishy face
- Eats on her own
- Drinks out of sippy and straw cuppies
- Sits in a booster seat when we go out to eat
- Claps her hands
- Blows Kisses
- Gives Big Bear Hugs
- Gives High Five
- Lion
- Monkey
- Kitty Kat
- Doggie
- Duck
- Horse
Words she says
- I know
- All Done
- Elmo (All time favorite thing right now)
- Tux
- I love you
- Dunno
- Gracie
- Oh S***
- No
- Yes
- Momma/Mommy/Mom
- Dada/Daddy/Dad
- Hi Dad/Hi Mom
- Shaley
- Ok
- I
- KaKa (Aunt Casey)
- Manda
- Nana
- Poppy
- Ayden
- Car
- Uh-O
- Bad
- Bath
- Bye Bye
- BaBa (Bottle)
- Vroom Vroom
- Ball
- Nose
- Eyes
- Ah Dang
- Up
- Water
- Please
- Thank You
- Down
Newborn Picture (a couple hours after she was born)
1 Month Old-Very Happy Early On
2 Months-Sitting in her high chair being a big girl
3 Months-In her camo from her aunt and uncle
4 Months
5 Months-In her winter hat and jacket
6 Months
7 Months-What an evil face
8 Months
9 Months, Listening to her Ipod that her daddy got her for Christmas
10 Months
11 Months
12 Months, She is 1 years Old!!
13 Months
14 Months
And finally! 15 Months, best 15 Months of our lives!
Loves to pose while I take pictures
Such a lover, loving on her Mickey Mouse
And even though it is a picture of her sleeping, it is still a precious picture
My happy girl
Brushing her hair with the broom haha
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